About company
”Genesis” is a real estate agency in Montenegro.We offer our clients the most extensive list of services. We understand full well that real property purchase, specifically choosing what you want is an important decision for the buyer and the agency. After all, where a large number of proposals exist it is not so easy to pick up, let alone dare to buy an apartment or a house, a site plot or a new build villa. Montenegro is rich in beautiful and unforgettable places, each town of Montenegro is rich in history and local attractions, and therefore it is particularly difficult to decide on the location for the property. That is why our clients trust the long-term experience of the Agency and go all the way from the selection of real estate to its purchase with confidence.
„Genesis“ has been successfully working and expanding in the real estate market every year for more than ten years.
Clarity, transparency, and professionalism are the motto of the company.
The buyer approaching Genesis is absolutely sure of a high level quality service provided and reliability of property transactions.
Over the years of successful work „Genesis“ has accompanied its clients not only in the selection of real estate, but also in investment projects such as new build property development of houses, residential complexes, private villas or shopping malls. We are happy to share our experience in providing consulting services to clients who have not yet decided on the type of activity. We predict success rate of a project and its profitability, formulating investment estimates or business projects. Our company closely cooperates with the most famous architects of Montenegro, the most professional and reliable construction companies, we work not for the sake of profit, but for the sake of joint success of both the client and the whole team.

„Genesis“ offers their client legal support services, registration of companies of various types, obtaining work visas for foreign citizens, legalization of working activity and finally keeping of accounts and annual balance sheet.
We have staffed the company with persevering, ambitious, educated and professional employees. One meeting with Genesis is enough to understand that you are in good hands.
The head office of the company is in the heart of Boko-Kotor, in the Old Town of Kotor, in the center of the main square, building number 436, first floor.